Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wee "haping" hands

Almost every night this mama gets a lovely little sewing break before bath time. Nick and the girls come upstairs with me to play and I get to sew. Tonight I just had to take a "too cute" break. I was working away on this project when a little person started pusing at my legs trying to get me out of the way.

I said "Sweet Pea will you play with Baby S?" and she replied "NO, I HAP". Well how could I refuse. So off she went with a ruler and handful of scraps to "HAP" (help) me work. She took them to a safe place (her room), where she is still running them (one at a time) back and forth between a random spot in the middle of her floor, and my sewing machine. I love it when he haps me like that!


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