Monday, October 26, 2009

A fact of mama-hood

Spit Happens! We all know it, maybe we all dread it a bit (at least the laundry that it creates). So I'm fighting back (in a totally chic and functional way of course). Introducing the Spit Happens! burp cloth. Made from organic cotton prefold cloth diapers, embellished with designer prints and embroidered with the phrase "Spit Happnes!" I love them, they are big enough to be effective and super absorbent so they are really good to clean up those messes that I wasn't anticipating as well (ahem... remember the extremely car sick toddler? Yeah, I think that Sweet Pea will be requiring these more than Baby S!). I'm going to be keeping a few for myself and there are a few that I'm saving for upcoming baby shower gifts.


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