I just joined the 52 books in 52 weeks group on Ravelry and I'm pretty sure that I'm not up to the challenge. Maybe 26 books in 52 weeks... but probably not even that would be doable... but I think it will be fun to try. I've always been a bit of a book worm, but with Baby C...and the soon to be new baby, and my beloved (and all too short) crafting time, my reading time has fallen by the way side. I'll try to post on Monday about the book I'm starting that week and hopefully by the following Monday I'll be able to post a new one. With the new baby coming in April this will be slightly comical and I'm curious to see when those Monday morning posts stop coming. I guess I shouldn't set myself up to fail. I'll be positive! I can' do this because I
want to... there... if only I could believe myself!
I'm going to cheat and post book #1 already. Whatever... I can bend the rules a bit!
Parenting Inc. by Pamela Paul
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