Sunday, August 16, 2009

Keeping my head above water

Last week was an exercise in keeping my head above water. For the first half of the week Baby S didn't think she needed to nap, this was cured by the second half of the week but by then Baby C didn't think that she needed a nap. So my working-on-my-course-and-other-sewing-projects time vanished. I tried to get some work done at night but on Monday we had a nutso storm that freaked out Baby C got scared and decided that she didn't need to go to bed at night either! Whats a mama to do? Cuddles of course... but no work on her course.

I did get another yummi delivery from Tonic Living and the 10% off your next purchase coupon they sent me will be used shortly I'm sure!
What are the plans for this fabric? A few little loveys, some backing (the aqua with brown dots) for my favourite carnival bloom fabric, some little boo boo bags and a nursing cover. Now the girls need to sleep so I can get busy (Or I will have to keep getting up at 5am like I did last week to work!)


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