Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday Sauce

Our favourite dinner, spaghetti and garlic bread!

Sunday supper has always been an integral part of our family life. It started when my parents would go to my grandparents house every Sunday for their main meal of the week, then when my brother and I came along Sunday "suppers" became the day to visit in the afternoon, have a wonderfully big meal, and then more often than not finish it up with my grandma's famous apple pie.

My dad's spaghetti sauce has always felt like Sunday to me because he would take the whole day to prepare it, simmering in on the stove all afternoon, slowly adding ingredients here and there to get the perfect flavour combinations. There is something about Sunday Sauce that just feels warm and cozy.

Sweetpea working on her dinner!

Usually when I make my own Sunday Sauce I make a quadruple batch and freeze a bunch for easy weeknight meals. Spaghetti is such a go-to meal for our family, partly because it is Nick's favourite, and partly because the girls will actually eat it (they are going through a wonderfully tricky eating stage right now).

What Sunday dinner is complete without pie (at least around here)?

What about you, what is your go-to, or favourite 'Sunday' meal? How do you store your sauce? Do you freeze it or can it... and if you can it do you really need a pressure canner for meat sauces?

1 comment:

  1. What is it about spaghetti that kids love? Spaghetti is also a go-to food in our house. My oldest has also developed that tricky palette, but he will always, always eat spaghetti!


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