Monday, August 31, 2009

Time Machine

I was incredibly busy last week, and I don't see this week being any different so this week I'm going to post about what was keeping me up all night and having no free time. This week my blog will be serve as a time machine... its no DeLorean but I'm ok with that!
Lets start with the roses that Nick surprised me with on Friday. He got off work early to come home (with flowers in hand) so that I could get some studying done before I had to go to work. This is what happens when you let your 20 and 4 month old babies smell the roses... oh well - they had no thorns and it was really cute to watch (and I'll always have this picture to remember them!).

Baby C "If I make a really sweet face maybe you won't notice that half the petals are missing!"

Are you seeing what Baby S is doing?

What was left after the girls "admired" them


  1. Oh, those faces are too much! And you are right, as beautiful as I bet those flowers are, these pictures will be treasured forever:)

  2. I hope you are able to find a few quiet moments during this busy time for yourself, I know how impossible that tends to be!
    Your girls are so sweet, the last photo is really pretty. I think it is lovely that you let the girls play with the roses, you will all certainly remember them in this way : )


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